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中海林   |   2022-11-11   |   瀏覽:2393




C&F (cost and freight)成本加運費價,到岸價

cement in place注水泥完畢 


cable armour電纜外皮

cable bond(joint)電纜接頭

cable conductor纜芯

cable configuration電纜規(guī)格

cable continuity電纜通斷情況

cable core纜芯

cable drum(reel)電纜滾筒

cable duct 電纜槽

cable fishing tool頓鉆打撈工具

cable formation test電纜地層測試

cable head電纜頭

cable kinking電纜扭結(jié)

cable-laid rope鋼絲繩

cable loop繩扣

cable oil電纜油

cable ringing電纜打結(jié)

cable slack電纜松弛

cable winch(work) 電纜絞車

contract award date合同簽定日期





calibrating jig刻度架

caliper logging井徑測量

calling of bids招標


camp equipment野外作業(yè)設(shè)備

camp site施工現(xiàn)場

cap rock蓋層

cap 雷管

capping bed,cap formation蓋層

carbonate rock碳酸鹽巖

cased hole套管井

cased hole completion 下套管完井

cased hole formation tester套管井地層測試器

case in 下套管

cased well下套管井

casing(case pipe)套管

casing/cementation report套管固井報告

casing cementing套管注水泥

casing collar(coupling) 套管接箍

CCL(casing collar locator) 套管接箍測井

casing grade套管鋼級

casing gun 電纜輸送套管射孔槍

casing head spool套管頭四通

casingless completion 無套管完井

casing list 套管記錄

casing over pressure套管加壓,環(huán)空加壓        

casing packer套管封隔器

casing perforation(套管)射孔

casing perforation operator射孔作業(yè)工

casing perforation service射孔作業(yè)

casing perforation tool射孔器材

casing perforation type射孔方式

casing point下套管深度

casing program套管程序

casing setting depth套管下入深度

casing shoe套管鞋

casing top spacing套補距

casing-tubing annulus油套環(huán)空

casing wear套管損壞

caution sign警告標志


core barrel取芯筒

CBL(cement bond logging)水泥膠結(jié)測井

carbon/oxygen logging碳氧比測井

carbon/oxygen spectral logging 碳氧比能譜測井

casing caliper log 套管內(nèi)徑測井

casing inspection log套管探傷測井

CBIL(circumferential borehole imaging logging system)環(huán)形井眼成象測井系統(tǒng)

CET(cement evaluation tool)水泥評價測井  


channelling detection找竄

check shots檢驗地震測井

completion date 完井日期


cellar connection(鉆井)井口裝置

cemented to水泥返至

cementing documentation固井設(shè)計

cementing truck水泥車

cement job quality固井質(zhì)量

cement sheath水泥環(huán)

cement squeeze擠水泥

cement top水泥返高

centering device扶正器

casing fluid level套管液面深度


change over變扣接頭

change over sub大小頭


charge penetration射孔彈穿透深度

charge strip(射孔)彈架

charge type(射孔)彈型

chief operator主操

Chinese side中方

christmas tree采油樹

christmas tree gauge井口壓力表

contract item合同條款

casing inside diameter套管內(nèi)徑

cement in place固井作業(yè)結(jié)束

closed-in pressure關(guān)井壓力  

circuit tester萬用表

clay  粘土

caliper log井徑測井

claim 索賠


claim for breaking an agreement 違約賠償

claim for payment 要求付款

claim indemnity索賠

claim rejection拒賠 claystone粘土巖,泥巖

clean out (清砂、清蠟)修井                 

clean-out of well 洗井

clean-out operation(service)洗井作業(yè)          

clean-out report修井報告

clear working place安全工作區(qū) clip繩卡


closed-in well關(guān)閉井,停產(chǎn)井

closed-in casing pressure關(guān)井套管壓力

closed-in tubing pressure關(guān)井油管壓力



coarse adjustment(control)粗調(diào)               

coarse -thread joint 粗扣接頭

change of contract合同變更

casing outside diameter套管外徑

coiled rod 連續(xù)抽油桿

coiled tubing連續(xù)油管,小油管

coiled tubing service連續(xù)油管作業(yè)

coiled tubing unit連續(xù)油管作業(yè)機

coiled tubing operation小油管作業(yè)


collared hole下了表層套管的井

combination collar(coupling)轉(zhuǎn)換接箍

combination tool組合下井儀

commercial accumulation(deposit)有開采價值的油氣藏

commercial bed有開采價值的油氣層

commercial field有開采價值的油氣田

commingling production多層合采

commissioning trial試用投產(chǎn)


communication between zones竄層

compensated density log補償密度測井

CDNT(compensated density-neutron tool)補償?shù)貙用芏戎凶訙y井儀

compensated formation densilog補償?shù)貙用芏葴y井

CNL(compensated neutron log)補償中子測井

compensated sonic log補償聲波測井

conductivity log電導(dǎo)率測井


completion damage完井污染

completion date完井日期 

completion evaluation完井評價

completion fluid完井液

completion operation 完井作業(yè)

completion perforating完井射孔

completion well test完井測試

completion factor完井指數(shù)

completion interval完井層段

completion string完井管柱

condensate field凝析氣田

condensate pool凝析油藏

condensate well凝析油氣井

conductor line 導(dǎo)線

conductor wire纜芯線

connection end接頭

consent 插座 console面板

constant maintenance定期保養(yǎng)

consumable material消耗材料

consumable accessories耗損件

contact probe探頭

contact sonde(井下儀器的)探頭

container horizon(rock)含油層,儲集層


continental shelf大陸架


contingency plan(procedures)應(yīng)急措施

contract area合同區(qū)

contract award date 合同簽定日期

contract duration合同期限

contracted block合同區(qū)

contracted construction承包施工

contract life合同有效期限


contract item合同條款

contributing zone生產(chǎn)層

control fluid壓井液

controlled directional well定向井

control of well kick and blowout井涌井噴控制

control panel remote遙控面板

conventional DST常規(guī)地層測試

conventional gun普通射孔器

conventional operation常規(guī)作業(yè)

conventional overbalanced perforating 常規(guī)正壓射孔  

conventional pumping unit普通抽油機

conventional well常規(guī)井

conventional workover rig常規(guī)修井作業(yè)

core barrel巖心筒

core bit取心鉆頭

CST(core sample taker)井壁取心器

cored well取心井

coupled tubing油管立柱

coupling tubing connection油管接箍連接  

cement plug水泥塞

casing pressure-closed關(guān)井套壓

casing pressure-flowing開井套壓

combination production logging組合測井         

crystal quartz gauge石英晶體壓力


crown block天車

crooked stem 彎曲的管柱 

cross over短節(jié),變扣接頭

cross over circulation 反循環(huán) 

cross over sub(joint)變扣接頭,轉(zhuǎn)換接頭

crowbar  撬杠                              

crown platform天車平臺

CST(chronological sample taker,chronological sidewall core tool)井壁取心器


complete trip in hole 完成(儀器)下井作業(yè)

cable telemetry system電纜遙測系統(tǒng)

cable transmission system電纜傳輸系統(tǒng)

current maintenance 日常維修

cushion 液墊,測試墊


cut-off date截止日期


drilling and production platform鉆井采油平臺

drift angle(定向井)傾角

data acquisition equipment數(shù)據(jù)采集裝置

daily capacity(output,production,rate)日產(chǎn)量

daily servicing日常維護

damaged formation受污染地層

damaged well污染井

damaged well productivity污染井產(chǎn)能

damaged zone污染帶

damaged factor污染系數(shù)

damage skin 損害表皮


damping spring減震彈簧

data readback數(shù)據(jù)回放

day to day operation日常業(yè)務(wù)

drill collar鉆鋌

dead time 停工時間

dead well停產(chǎn)井

dead work  準備工作,非生產(chǎn)性工作          

decenter 偏心

decentralized casing 偏心套管                 

decentralized gun偏心射孔器

decentralized wellhead偏心井口

decentralizing device偏心裝置

decline factor遞減系數(shù)

decline rate 遞減速度

decline exponent遞減系數(shù)

deep penetrating gun深穿透射孔槍

deep penetration charge 深穿透射孔彈

deep penetrator深井射孔彈

ILD(deep induction log),deep investigation induction log深感應(yīng)測井

LLD(deep laterolog)深側(cè)向測井             

depth mark of cable電纜深度記號

Dewar flask,Dewar thermos bottle測井保溫瓶

default clause違約條款

defective casing/liner cementation固井不合格

defective insulation絕緣不良

deficient well低效井

deflected hole(well)斜井,定向井            

degree of damage污染程度

degree of dip傾角

degree of reserve recovery采出程度

degree of saturation飽和度

dehydrated crude脫水原油


delivery point供應(yīng)點



demobilization cost遣散費

demonstrated reserves探明儲量

demurrage charge(fee)延遲費

density log密度測井


depleted field枯竭油田

depleted oil sand枯竭油層

depth in下入深度

depreciation charge折舊費

depth correction校深

depth discrepancy深度誤差

depth of bottom hole measurement井底測量深度,測量儀器下入深度

depth of plunger泵掛深度

depth of setting下入深度

depth out 起出深度

depth sounding測液面深度


derrick apples井架落物

derrick floor鉆臺

derrick guy(wire)井架繃繩

derrick lowering放倒井架

derrick raising立井架

desanding device除砂裝置

description of reservoir油藏描述

design pressure 設(shè)計壓力

desired flow rate 預(yù)期產(chǎn)量

desired location 預(yù)定位置

desired setting position預(yù)定坐封位置


detail design施工設(shè)計

detailed rules and regulations細則

detail specifications詳細說明書

detecting head 探頭,探針

detention time 停留時間


determining depth of fluid探測液面深度

detonating cord導(dǎo)爆索


detonator 雷管


development program開發(fā)方案

development well開發(fā)井

deviated hole(well)斜井,定向井  

direct hydrocarbon indication直接油氣顯示

down hole power supply井下供電

DAL(digital acoustic log)數(shù)字陣列聲波

difference between reservoir pressure and injection pressure 注水壓差

differential pressure壓差  

differential pressure firing head壓差起爆器

digital multimeter數(shù)字萬用表

digital integrated circuit數(shù)字集成電路

DCBIL(digitally circumferential borehole imaging log)數(shù)字井周成像

diminishing pressure遞減壓力


diphasic flow 雙相流動



diplog tool-4 arm四臂地層傾角測井儀

dipmeter地層傾角測井儀 dip傾角

DDL(direct digital logging)數(shù)控測井

distance of “zone”mark零長

dipping rod量油桿

dipping tub量油管

direct-current generator直流發(fā)電機

direct flushing正循環(huán)洗井

direct grounding直接接地

directional drilling定向鉆井

directives for construction施工指令

director general 總裁,總監(jiān)

disabling accident嚴重傷害事故

displaced well生產(chǎn)井

disruptive test擊穿實驗,耐壓實驗 

distance between wells井距

distance between rotary table and wellhead聯(lián)入

distance between tubing and bushing油補距

distance measurement遙測

distance of zero mark零長

distillate field凝析氣田


division 刻度,分公司

dividing range (油水,油氣)分界面


depth logger測井深度

dual lower casing 下部雙層套管

DDL(dual laterolog)雙側(cè)向測井

dual induction focused log雙感應(yīng)聚焦測井

dual induction-laterolog雙感應(yīng)—側(cè)向測井

dual induction-laterolog 8雙感應(yīng)—八側(cè)向測井

DIL(dual induction log)雙感應(yīng)測井

dual laterolog-microspherically focused log雙感應(yīng)—微球形聚焦測井

dual-spaced density log雙源距密度測井

DSN(dual-spaced neutron log)雙源距中子測井

dual-spacing thermal decay time log雙源距中子壽命測井

dual lower tubing下部雙層油管

drilling mud鉆井液

depth offset深度補償

drilled out鉆出,鉆碎(水泥塞)


date of availability有效期限

drilling-out cement(plug)鉆水泥塞

drilling-out depth鉆水泥塞深度

dog house井口值班房

double O-ring seal雙O形圈密封

double drum drawworks(hoist),double drum rope winch雙滾筒絞車

dog shift夜班

double-shift work兩班倒

downflow well注水井

downhole blow-out preventer井下防噴器

downhole calibration井下標定,現(xiàn)場調(diào)試   

downhole completion equipment井下完井裝置

down hole completion fluid 井下完井液 

down hole equipment井下工具

downhole instrument,downhole probe,

downhole tool下井儀器

downhole operation井下作業(yè)                  

downhole instrument cable井下電纜

down hole sampling井底取樣

downhole string井下管柱

downhole television井下電視

downhole testing井下測試

downhole test string井下測試管柱  

downhole water flow regulator井下配水器

downhole test tool,downhole well test equipment井下測試工具

downhole remedial operation井下大修作業(yè),修井作業(yè)

down hole tools installation井下工具連接

down setting packer stroke封隔器坐封下滑距離  


down time(downtime)停工時間               


draft agreement協(xié)議草案                      

draft contract合同草本

drawworks unit絞車

drillable bridge plug可鉆式橋塞

drift diameter gauge,drift size gauge tool通井規(guī)

drillable packer可鉆式封隔器

drill collar stand鉆鋌立柱

drilled proved reserves鉆井探明儲量


driller's log 司鉆記錄,鉆井記錄

drilling completion program鉆井完井方案

drilling crew 鉆井隊

drilling foreman鉆井隊長

drilling induced damage鉆井引起的損害

drilling returns鉆井返出流體

drilling rig,drill unit鉆機

drilling supervisor鉆井監(jiān)督

drill pipe frozen卡鉆

DST(drill stem test)鉆桿測試

drowned well水淹井

drum spool絞車滾筒

dry well干井

dry pipe空油管


daily service report日報

DST interval(地層)測試井段

DST personnel測試人員

DST/TCP(drillstem test/tubing conveyed perforating)油管傳輸射孔與地層測射聯(lián)作

DST string(地層)測試管串

DSTT(drillstem test tool)中途測試工具,地層測試器

duration of test測試周期

duration of the contract合同期限

duty cycle作業(yè)周期

dynamic log動態(tài)測井,生產(chǎn)測井